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小编: 866

Part 1


1. Sleeping
How many hours do you sleep everyday? Why? Is it necessary to sleep enough? Is taking a snap important? Do old people sleep a lot? Do you think staying up late in a good thing?
2. Public park
Are there many parks or public gardens where you live (or, in your hometown)? Do you often (or, ever) go to a park or a (public) garden? How often do you go there? What do you (like to) do when you go to a park or public garden? Do you think parks and public gardens are important to a city?
3. Art
Do you like art? (Why?/Why not?) In you childhood, what experience of art did you have? What benefits does art bring to people? Do Chinese people like to go to museum?
4. Concentration
Is it important to focus on things? When do people need to concentrate on things? Is it easy to focus on things? How can people deal with 2 different things at the same time?
What’s the benefit of concentration?
5. Boat
Do you like boating? Why do you like it? What have you ever done by boat? Do Chinese people travel by boat? What’s the difference between boat and other means of transportation?
1. Is it necessary to sleep enough?
2. Is taking a nap important?
3. Do you think staying up late is a good thing?
1. Yes. Coz your body and more importantly, your brain need to take a break. This can really only be done properly when you're asleep. Your body rests, takes stock of its functions and carries out necessary repair and restoration work on the body. If you're constantly on the move, with no sleep, your body is unable to do this.
2. The desire for a short nap during the day does not arise out of laziness, rather the need for the body to rejuvenate. Napping is a pleasurable yet brief period of sleep when our minds and bodies can take a break. Though many judge it as a pastime for children or the elderly, napping can benefit people of all ages.
3. I think staying up late is an enjoyable activity for most. Just be sure to get a little sleep. But don't do this regularly or else you will get dark circles under your eyes. Also, a lack of sleep can cause serious health problems.

Part 2

1. A good parent好父母
2. A school rule 学校规定
3. A childhood story 童年故事
4. A film or TV program making you laugh 发笑的电影电视节目
5. A shopping street 购物街
6. The way of keeping healthy 健康方式
7. An outdoor activity you’d like to try 室外活动
8. A polite person 礼貌的人
9. Someone with an important job 重要工作的人
10.A place you go for music 听音乐地方
A Good Parent:
Describe a good parent you know.
You should say:
* who the parent is
* how you know the parent
* what the parent looks like
and explain why you think the parent is good.
Good parents don’t just happen. They are continually trying to improve themselves and their parenting skills. My mom is a good example of how an outstanding parent should be.
The most important thing I learned from my mom is that I can do anything since my mom provides unconditional love and encouragement to me. Saying “I love you,” is very common in my family. What’s more she showed me that she loved me by giving her time and attention in my childhood: playing games, reading stories, and talking all showed the love from my mom. She often tells me that I can do anything and be whoever I want to be and she believes me. Every child needs to feel that their parents are their best cheerleader.
My mom also teaches me responsibilities. I was required to make my own bed when I was very little. I also emptied the small garbage cans every week. My mom often tells me that “no one can make you mad, you choose how you react”. She makes me to understand that we should be responsible for our own actions and the consequences that follow.
Daily, weekly, or even yearly family rituals create a bond between family members. It may be as simple as reading a book together every night or taking a yearly trip to the beach. My mom cooks for me and dad every day and organize family activities every Friday night.
I love my mom; she’s an amazing lady and the best parent who taught me just by her example.

Part 3

2.学校别的规定 为什么有这个规定 对于不同年龄层的学生规定一样吗 为什么小孩子规定不一样 现在的最大工时是多少 为什么会规定最大工时
6. 关于衣服的时尚杂志,男女对穿衣看法,人们时尚衣服的看法
7.中西方礼貌对比 城市和农村的人礼貌对比 什么场合要表礼貌 为什么尊重他人
9.孩子应不应该多笑 为什么 怎么让孩子多笑,幽默对儿童影响,幽默对教学的重要性
1. Do you think parents should give children more trust?
2. Do you think parents should give children more chances to choose?
1. Trust is very important for a child’s development. If a parent is always prying into a child’s privacy, the child will think he/she is doing something wrong to deserve such mistrust. This leads to the child hiding things from the parent, which therefore leads to dishonesty. Also, trust leads to independence. When children are trusted, they feel more pressure to keep that trust, and therefore act honestly. They will make wise decisions, which will allow them to grow into independent adults.
2. Yeah, definitely. I don’t think being a “helicopter parent” is a good idea. Parents shouldn’t be overprotective. It would be rather selfish if parents deprived the children’s rights to choose just because they” think “they know what’s best for their kids.
After all, it’s the children’s life; they need to be in control. It would be good if parents just got out of their way and let children live, mistakes and all. Even if the kids made wrong decisions, it would be ok as long as they could learn from their mistakes. So my suggestion is to live responsibly (seat belts, helmets, airbags, etc.), but not to restrict your child's actions out of fear.

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