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  此次旧题回归仍然延续5月的特点,part one、part two、part three各位部分的话题互相串,比如此次part one出现的新题politeness和plant实为之前part two话题卡的题。另外,很多新题皆为旧题回归。

  Part one部分高频新话题有birthday, bicycle, sunshine day等等。Part two高频新话题有a famous person, A tourist attraction, A sports event, Family business, Something that you are dependent on等等。

  Part One

  Living (house or apartment)


  Busy or not





  Painting or drawing



  Emails or letters

  Relaxation or leisure







  Birthday 9月新题 旧题回归

  What do you usually do on your birthday?

  Do you think that birthday is important to you now? why?

  Bicycle 9月新题旧题回归

  City9月新题 旧题回归

  Do you live in a small city or large one?

Sunshine day (weather)

  Do you like spending time on sunshine day?

  Have you ever been to a sunshine place?

  What will you do in sunny days?

  Have you ever travelled in sunny days?

  Sports 9月新题 旧题回归

  Childhood Games 9月新题

  Favorite activities9月新题

  Photograph 9月新题 旧题回归

  Song 9月新题 旧题回归

  Relatives 9月新题 旧题回归


  Internet 9月新题 旧题回归

  History 9月新题

  When did you begin to learn history?

  Do you think it is interesting to learn history?

  What kinds of historical events or characters did you learn from history book?

  Politeness 9月新题 话题卡变来

  How do people show politeness in your country?

  Who taught you to be polite?

  When do you need to be polite?

  Do you think that politeness is important? Why?

  Plant 9月新题 话题卡变来

  Do you have much knowledge of plants?

  What do you need to do to grow plants?

  Neighbour9月新题 话题卡变来

  Change 9月新题

  Party9月新题 话题卡变来

  Flower 9月新题 旧题回归

Part two


  A famous person 9月新题旧题回归

  An old people you admire

  Someone who taught you something


  A shopping street (or a shopping mall)

  A seaside place you would like to visit

  An apartment or home (not your own)

  An interesting country

  A tourist attraction in your country 9月新题 旧题回归

  A garden you went recently 9月新题 旧题回归

  A place you want to go 9月新题


  An interesting event in history

  A trip by public transport

  A special meal

  An outdoor meal

  Something that made you happy recently

  A sports event you have ever seen or took part in 9月新题 旧题回归

  A group activity 9月新题 旧题回归

Competition you took part in 9月新题

  A time you moved to a new house or school 9月新题 全新题

  A decision that you take a long time to make 9月新题


  A story someone told you when you were a child

  A useful website you like or you often visit

  A way of staying healthy (A sport keeping you healthy)

  A book someone recommended to you

  A toy that was important to you in your childhood

  A cloth you wore on an formal occasion

  A science class

  The job you’d like to try

  An electronic equipment you have bought for your house

  A party that you would like to hold

  Your favourite weather 9月新题 旧题回归

  Describe a season or a time in the year 9月新题 旧题回归

  Part three

  What kinds of jobs are not proper to be done in winter or summer?

  Why do people like warmer weather more?

  What are the advantages of living in cold places?

  A Family business 9月新题 全新题

  part 3相关问题

  Why can family business become successful?

  What if the problem of family business?

  Something that you are dependent on (not mobile phone nor computers)9月新题

  A Future plan 9月新题 旧题回归

  Something you did for learning another language (language 变种卡)


  A TV program


   回忆部分整理于考生回忆,若有疏漏之处,望大家谅解,也欢迎各位考生积极补充!   转载须注明:来自环球教育教研中心

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