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小编: 185



  1 你通常是怎样结交朋友的?

  Q:How do you usually make friends?

  A:I am very active in making friends with others. If I find a petson who has the same interest with me, I will go and exchange ideas with him or her. The more we talk, the better we know each other. Thus friendship will be established. I have to say that all the thing should be done with honesty, for it is the most important thing in friendship.


  Q:Did you meet mose of your friends through school or work?

  A:You see, I am still a college student, so I meet most of my friends through school. For years, I have made a lot of friends. I think it is easier to make friends with people who have the same environment as you. In this case, you usually have more things in common.

  3 你会把你的朋友带回家介绍给你的家人吗?为什么会或为什么不会?

  Q:Would you like to take your friends home and introduce them to your families?Why or why not?

  A: Of course I'd like to. My best friends are known to most of my family members.In my opinion, firstly there are so many things we share as best friends, so why not' the family? What's more, family is important to everyone, and friendship is also an essential part of my life, I'd like to help my friends know more about me as well as my family That's a good way to consolidate our friendship.


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