小编: 209雅思口语考试很多时候,大家更加注重第二部分的备考,而往往忽略part1,今天我们为大家带来雅思口语part1个人信息类话题的介绍,下面我们来看看雅思口语part1话题之工作的相关内容。以下就是给考生们带来的介绍。
雅思口语part1话题之工作 1.What job do you do?
Well, I’m a quali-fied doctor. Well the best thing about my job is that I can make a differ-ence in people’s lives. Seeing the patient recover after an operation or a surgery makes me feel great.
雅思口语part1话题之工作 2.Is that a popular choice of career in your country?
Yep, it’s quite popular, though it’s boring and repetitive. Actually, it’s a nine-to-five job with a pleasant working environment and high salary, so people don’t need to work overtime and to worry about the living cost.
雅思口语part1话题之工作 3.Would you say your job is very important?
Yes, quite important, as civil engineers are responsible for the construction of the building. What’s more, it’s impossible to become an excellent civil engineer in five years, as it needs a lot of practical experience.
4.Is it easy to find work doing your job?
Yes, it’s quite easy, because an increasing number of Chinese students are willing to study abroad, so there’re a lot of vacancies for people who want to become a language teacher.
5.Do you think it’s very important for people to do a job that they like?
Um… no. It’s hard for everyone to find a satisfactory job, as people may not have the ability or talent to do what they like. They have to make a living or fulfill the expectation of their parents.
6.What other job do you think you would enjoy, apart from your present job?
Well, I’d like to be a trained barista who can assist customers in selecting beverages and coffee. However, I should acquire these skills by attending training classes. Also, I believe that the aroma of fresh coffee is able to lighten customers’ mood.